Our administration team incorporate student support needs into all aspects of their planning. An authentic focus is placed on developing relationships between all members of staff, students and the broader community. Students at Educational Risk are identified by staff who will refer them through to the Deputy Principal for student support.
A range of preventive and proactive programs are run throughout the school to support an inclusive learning environment where all students are involved and have an opportunity to succeed. The school is fortunate to have access to the following support services:
- School psychologist who visits on a regular occasion
- A dedicated Deputy Principal for Student Support
- 3 x AIEO’s to support Cultural Inclusion across the school
- Shooting Stars Girls Program hosted by the school
- A Youth Transition Officer supporting our high school students with their career pathways
- And access to local external agencies including HOPE and Centrecare
Student Support Services and School Psychologist cover and provide support in the main areas of:
Behaviour & Behaviour Support
To work with and support students, parents/carers and staff to identify and change target behaviours at the individual, group and system/whole school level. As a PBS school we run a number of programs to develop social and emotional skills. All classes at Leonora DHS also actively teach our PBS values.
Within behaviour support, it is also important to acknowledge students’ feelings, and to let them know that it is, and can be difficult to deal with feelings and or given situations. This is undertaken through discussing issues in a manner that takes into account students’ age and maturity. This is supported by answering any questions in a simple and honest way, again, by using language that is age appropriate and without including personal views and opinions. This will also assist students to communicate their concerns to parents and carers. In assisting students, we aim to address individual’s ability to manage stress, increase their creativity and resilience and to enhance better decision making with a sense of clarity and calm.
Learning & Learning Support
Support students experiencing learning difficulties and/or disabilities at schools, from either/or Student Support approach and from the School Psychologist where necessary. The school can also utilise the Learning Support Coordinator to support students and staff on an ongoing basis.
Additionally, this will also include supporting staff in making appropriate curriculum adjustments for students in order to enhance individual learning outcomes. This can also be further supported by a range of professional support services provided by Statewide Services and School of Special Educational Needs (SSEN)
Mental Health & Wellbeing
Providing a range of direct support options for students experiencing mental health and wellbeing difficulties, as this will also further support and underpin student’s development towards positive mental health and well-being. Again, in assisting students, we aim to address individual’s ability to manage stress, increase their creativity and resilience and to enhance better decision making with a sense of clarity and calm.